Martin Luther King Truth Committee
REVEL-ATIONS: What Really Happened to Martin Luther King, Jr.?
Osborne & Associates (O&A) has formed an activist committee to further investigate the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and report its findings to the global community by the 40th anniversary of his death, April 4, 2008. This project is a continuance of work in this arena by Leutrell Osborne, Sr., who is a recognized authority on the subject. Mr. Osborne is available for interviews on this topic, as well as other political commentary on national and global affairs.
The committee is the outgrowth of O&A's past support of the re-opened investigation on the assassination of Dr. King, Jr. BMCIA asks one question "Is the identification of the assassin of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as or more important than resolving many of the racial issues that top the news today?" The answer of the Committee is, "Definitely. The nation and world still await an answer that satisfies." There are lingering doubts about the guilt of alleged assassin James Earl Ray, even among his own family.
NEW LINK Nov. 2006
Gary Revel reveals his clandestine role as official investigator of MLK assassination, and his relationship with Leutrell Osborne, Sr.
"The prejudice now built into the world is its greatest weakness."~MLKTC "A lie cannot live.” ~MLK Deadly Business of a King's Murder Leutrell "Mike" Osborne, 26 year veteran CIA Case Officer and Counter Intelligence expert like many African-Americans are somewhat familiar with the now deceased Director of Domestic Intelligence for the FBI, William Sullivan. Most of those who know of him also know that he was killed a week before he was to testify before the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1977. What can be learned of his career comes from his autobiography (that was completed and published after his untimely death), FBI files, news articles, and press accounts. One thing that rises out of the fog is that Mr. Sullivan directed the 'Destroy King Squad' This was a Covert Action Intelligence Operation whose mission was to destroy the effectiveness of Martin Luther King Jr. If assassination was an authorized tool in their tool-belt then they surely completed their assignment. This squad was part of a larger operation acronymed COINTEL PRO for Counter Intelligence Program. Mr. Osborne's knowledge of Bill Sullivan's operations goes far beyond what most know because of his special opportunities to learn of such things as a CIA Case Officer. Even with this special insight still Leutrell has been asking others for more information. One of those he asked was Gary Revel, a special investigator on the King case. Gary had met William Sullivan in 1977 during his investigation of MLK's murder and saw a different side of the man than most. Like the little known fact that William Sullivan became sickened with the FBI's abuse of the basic human rights of others and challenged J. Edgar Hoover the day before he was locked out of his office in 1972. Shortly after that he resigned. Gary remembers that Sullivan had challenged J. Edgar and said 'either you go or I go' and subsequently Sullivan left. Another important detail of William Sullivan's life is that a few months before he was to testify before the HSCA he met at least one person, and most likely others, providing information and files that would be the basis of a real investigation designed to find the real killers of King. This also happened in 1977 and because of the government's tampering and interfering with the evidence in the case it is likely that the evidence is lost and will never surface again. Special Investigator Gary Revel's home was ransacked once and then during an eviction all his files on the King case disappeared. William Sullivan's goal was to testify before the public HSCA hearings and lay his cards on the table so to speak. He was going to give the committee and the American people the truth about J. Edgar Hoover's hatred of Martin Luther King Jr. as well as his hatred for President John Kennedy and Presidential Candidate Robert Kennedy. Sullivan's knowledge of how the FBI worked with the CIA when it came to J. Edgar driven plans to neutralize the human rights activities of African-American leaders and their supporters was unique. This knowledge and the evidence he was prepared to present would have given the HSCA the direction it needed to truly uncover and prosecute the perpetrators of the JFK and MLK assassinations. It is no wonder that those who had the most to lose if the truth came out were not unhappy to hear of his 'accidental murder' The official record says that Robert Daniels mistook William Sullivan for a deer while deer hunting and shot and killed him before Bill could make his revelations public. Mr. Revel says he is still trying to unravel the bizarre happenings of that year. His brother, his cousin's husband, William Sullivan and 5 other FBI or former FBI officials who could have been valuable to his investigation died mysteriously or were simply killed during that year. Sullivan and the other 5 were scheduled to testify before the committee. Donald Kaylor was a fingerprint expert who had worked on the JFK assassintion evidence. Alan Belmont and Louis Nicholas were both special assistants to J. Edgar Hoover. JFK assassination document examiner and expert James Cadigan was another. J.M. English, an expert on the rifle that supposedly killed President John F. Kennedy and was head of the FBI Forensic Sciences Laboratory was also dispatched. Those who travel to a place beyond reason and continue to try to defend the official stories of lone assassins and thorough investigations simply haven't gotten it yet. When there are so many coincidences any reasonable personwill just know that something is amiss. A 30:06 Remington rifle found on the sidewalk in the vicinity of the crime was touted by the FBI as the murder weapon that belonged to James Earl Ray. To this day, after numerous attempts with various experts in the field including the FBI's own, the bullet that killed Martin Luther King Jr. has not been matched to that rifle. These and many other glaring problems in the case against James Earl Ray has former CIA Case Officer Leutrell Osborne and many others including United States Government Legislators starting to ask questions. So much so that one Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney has submitted a bill to the House Reform Committee to re-open the Martin Luther King Jr. assassination case. Representative McKinney comes from the 4th District of Georgia and is known for her tenacity and courage. She will need both and the support of all Americans who want to know the truth about Martin Luther King's murder if this bill even gets out of the House Reform Committee. One thing that history tells us about this entire matter is that it is a deadly business. Without an outcry from the American people it will be deadly again and Cynthia McKinney's bill will die in the House Reform Committee. The FBI office in Memphis only recently told me that Special Agent Joseph H. Trimbach oversaw the investigation related to my interest in the King case. Much later, I learned of the FBI Method of Operating (MO) related to evictions. After Gauby retired from the FBI he worked for the City of Nashville, Tennessee and reportedly used residential and business evictions to exercise control for political purposes. Within a few months after the demise of the commercial prospects for my song, I too, was evicted from my apartment. During the chaos of moving, files related to my investigation disappeared. Osborne: Did you ever try again to get your song out? However, the lyrics in They Slew the Dreamer were written in 1977 but will ring true eternally. The Federal Government continues to say that “HE” slew the dreamer, referring to James Earl Ray. I made it clear in 1977 that I didn't believe that and that instead of “He”, I wrote They Slew the Dreamer. This was not a welcome concept to my government then and is not today. That is why there continues to be real fear within our government and the business world concerning my recording. I can say that if I am still working for the Federal Government, it is in a bizarre and complicated kind of way. Should I do my job well enough, then individuals that are still alive could go to federal prison for conspiracy in the murder of Martin Luther King Jr. Leutrell Osborne Finds Disturbing New Details Investigating Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination Los Angeles, California USA March 22, 2006 Veteran CIA Case Officer Leutrell Osborne encouraged investigator Gary Revel to uncover additional details on the deaths associated with their investigation of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Revel previously advised Osborne about information that might lead to solving other related deaths to the assassination of King. When Osborne learned about the deaths of people associated with the investigation of King such as the two judges and six FBI Special Agents (SAs), Osborne said "There has to be fire where there is smoke." Gary had previously laid out these details to Osborne: Two of the judges in Tennessee, who were planning to give James Earl Ray the trial he never had, died of heart attacks just before their plans could be put into place. Six FBI officials, all of which were to testify before the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), were prevented from doing so because of their deaths. Revel said deaths of these FBI SAs could be more significant than what many realized because all six of these FBI SAs were identified to Revel as being important witnesses for the HSCA. "Is it likely that the stress of the planned testimony really brought on heart attacks to three of these people?" questioned Revel. One FBI Special Agent, Alan Belmont, died of illness. People do die of illnesses but the prolific coincidences of 1977 makes even that death start to look bizarre. To review the events and deaths of that definitive year: William Sullivan, who previously had been the Director of Domestic Intelligence for the FBI and for years ran the 'Destroy King Squad', was killed by a hunter a week before his scheduled testimony,. Louis Nicholas, who was one of J. Edgar Hoover's special assistants, would have been privy to the inner workings of Hoover's methods of operations just as Sullivan was. Nicholas died of a heart attack. Like Sullivan, Nicholas was scheduled to testify before the HSCA. The same thing happened to J. M. English who supervised testing the rifle that was purportedly the weapon that killed President John F. Kennedy and the pistol that belonged to Lee Harvey Oswald. Once again an agent, in this case English, missed his scheduled testimony before the HSCA because of his death. Donald Kaylor, another FBI official, was deep into the investigation of the assassinations of King and JFK. Kaylor was an FBI fingerprint specialist who examined prints found at scenes of both assassinations. Kaylor died of a heart attack before his scheduled testimony. James Cadigan died from an accidental fall in his home. Normally this would not be suspect. However, for Revel there were too many accidental deaths that year. Another death was Ivan Riley, the husband of Revel’s cousin. Riley was an experienced electrical power worker who died of an electrical shock while working on a power line. Finally, Revel’s brother, Cecil Ray Fillingame Jr., was killed during the height of this investigation. The 19-year-old brother was found hanged in his mother's garage in Ocoee, Florida. What alarmed Revel about these last two deaths was the knowledge that Revel had uncharacteristically shared private information about his investigation with both of them within days of their deaths. Osborne now knows of eight people who died or were killed within a 6-month period. All eight were directly related to Revel’s investigation of the King assassination. When including other deaths during that year that were official suicides, accidents or deaths under unusual circumstances related to the work of the HSCA then a judicious person has to pause for thought. There is truth yet to be learned about unknowns who were directly involved in the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. as well as the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, and Malcolm X. Los Angeles, California, USA
February 28, 2006
Osborne: What was the setup in 1977?
Revel: In 1977, I was investigating the Martin Luther King Jr. assassination. I worked with and for attorneys Jack Kershaw, Mary Kershaw, and Mark Lane in a unique arrangement with and for the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA). At that time, I operated undercover.
Osborne: How did the song called They Slew the Dreamer develop out of investigating the King case?
Revel: After meeting James Earl Ray and hearing his story I learned enough to know that Ray did NOT shoot King. There were others involved in King's death so I began my own investigation. During that time, I wrote the song, They Slew the Dreamer, about Dr. King. I recorded the song in Nashville, Tennessee at the famed Acuff-Rose recording studios. Acuff-Rose was the top country music publisher in the world. They had hundreds of top ten pop and rock songs as well as Country. Some of my songs had been signed by their ASCAP branch, called Milene Music Inc. Included was the song They Slew the Dreamer.
Osborne: What happened after the song was recorded?
Revel: The record was released not long after it was recorded during the summer of 1977. It was released on Jack Kershaw's Rebel Records label as a single. Soon afterwards a negative story with a large picture of the record sleeve appeared on the front page of the local afternoon newspaper, The Nashville Banner. Under the record sleeve which prominently displayed my name and the name of the record was a picture of a T-Shirt with Ray's image and the words 'I Didn't Do It'. Included was an editorialized caption that read, 'James Earl Ray Promotion Gimmicks'.
Osborne: How was airplay and record sales affected by the news story?
Revel: After story came out, promotion of my record by Acuff-Rose came to an immediate halt. All the planned airplay promotion was pulled. My calls to radio stations promoting my song were not well received. The lack of interest was not only for that song but all other songs I released over the next several years. All Nashville recording artists who had indicated earlier of an interest in my songs suddenly reversed their interest. A songwriter needs others to record his songs as well as himself if he is to be successful. The folks at Acuff-Rose that worked with me included Roy Acuff, Wesley Rose, Johnny Erdelyan, and Roy Acuff Jr. They were disappointed in the Federal Government's interference in the music business but were helpless to remedy the situation.
Osborne: What is your opinion today of how this all came about?
Revel: I believe the editorialized front page story was a secret Federal Government operation active in my investigation of the King murder. These operations include other murders, or so-called accidental deaths of several people within a 6-month period. These people were closely associated with me or they were scheduled to testify before the HSCA.
Osborne: If so, why didn't they kill you too?
Revel: One of the things I learned early in this case was that knowing a little would get me killed but knowing more than others knew would keep me alive. That is why I worked fast to gain knowledge about this case. During the late 1960's and into the 1970's highly classified Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) intelligence files were inadvertently release and were accessible for limited research. The things that could be learned from those files provided me enough intelligence to avoid serious problems. I was lucky to have access to those files early in my investigation.
Osborne: With the knowledge out that you were investigating the case of Dr. King and with mysterious deaths occurring, were you concerned about your own safety?
Revel: As I worked undercover, there was no public knowledge that I was investigating the case of Dr. King. My cover was that I was a Nashville songwriter, a business associate and friend of Jack and Mary Kershaw. Writing and recording songs was a natural development due to my friendship with Jack. Most of the publicity was about the case. previously I had a couple of single record releases, Little Did We Know and Peanut Man prior to They Slew the Dreamer. Both of the previous songs were on Jack's Rebel label, as well, so it did not appear that I was involved other than as a songwriter and recording artist. Somebody, an editor or publisher or both at the Nashville Banner, effectively destroyed the commercial success of my music with that one front page story. After years of investigation, study, and research I can only conclude that it was the Federal Government behind it.
Osborne: What evidence do you have today that Federal Government types were operating in or around your investigation?
Revel: A friend and business associate, Robert Barr, a CPA from Nashville told me that FBI Special Agent Vern Gauby was investigating my interest in the King case. One of the methods Gauby used was to visit with Barr. During casual conversations, he would bring up my name and ask questions related to my investigation. Bob was a friend of Jack Kershaw and was one of very few people aware of my work.
Revel: In 1979 I released an album titled Revel on my own Star City Records Inc. label. The song, They Slew the Dreamer, was included on that album. Dave Cavanaugh of Capitol Records in Hollywood had a copy of the album. Cavanaugh asked me to come back to Hollywood where we could sign a deal giving Capitol the rights to release and distribute the album on one of their labels. In February of 1980 I moved myself with my family to Hollywood where I had lived from 1969-1972. There I delivered the stampers (metal plates used to manufacture records) for the album to Cavanaugh at Capitol Records. He told me he would quickly put the deal together. I did not hear back from him right away. Weeks passed before I started to enquire about our project. My calls were not returned. Eventually his secretary told me he had gotten sick shortly after our meeting. My deal was sidetracked but she would talk to Cavanaugh to check when it could be finished. Weeks turned into months then one day I called. I was told he was dead. When I asked if I could come to pick up my stampers I learned that they had been lost.
Osborne: There are reports that you are getting radio airplay on your songs. What has happened lately that seems to be changing for you and your music?
Revel: A few years back Sony bought the Acuff-Rose music company including the songs I had written in the 1970's. They Slew the Dreamer is one of those songs. Now most of the songs from the Star City Records Inc. are on a CD album called Deep Mountain Lake. I released that on my own label, Jongleur Music. All the songs are all published by Sony/ATV Milene Music based in Nashville, Tennessee, which is owned by Sony/ATV BMG now.
Osborne: Is your work on the King case and your work with your music motivated by your desire to sell records or is there something else going on?
Revel: I know of no songwriter or recording artist who would touch this subject matter by assuming it would help their music career. I wrote the song from a desire and an inspiration to share truth with others. The fact that the song is finally getting played on the radio is partially due to growing knowledge by the public of the King assassination case. The more the public learns about the truth the harder it is for the Federal Government to lie about it.
Osborne: It has been said that you are a former Naval Intelligence Officer and once Naval Intelligence always Naval Intelligence. Are you still working for the Federal Government yourself? Is this just window dressing for operations by the Feds?
Revel: If I were still working undercover I would simply lie and say, 'No, I don't work for the Federal Government." In fact, in a de facto way I am still working for them. They commissioned me in 1977 to find the King killers. Since then, I have not been fired, decommissioned, told the job was done, or any thing else. Neither have I been paid. The stark reality is that the King killers have not yet been found.
What's New with My Subject?





Los Angeles, California USA
March 27, 2006
As the anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. nears new questions arise in the investigation. Veteran CIA Case Officer Leutrell Osborne has learned that James Earl Ray may have become a made member of the Mafia in New Orleans Louisiana in 1968 some time before Kings murder. Further James Earl Ray identified one of the 3 tramps photographed in Dealy Plaza on November 22, 1963 as Raoul. Ray also alleged that he met with several Raoul-types on April 4, 1968 at another Jim's bar in Memphis, one of which could have been E. Howard Hunt.
Investigator Gary Revel pointed out that the artist drawing of a man who came out of the bathroom from where the MLK death shot officially came from looks more like Hunt than James Earl Ray and that several people place Ray sitting in his car on the street at the time he was supposed to be locked in that bathroom preparing to kill King. If E. Howard Hunt was in Memphis on April 4, 1968 and also in Dallas on November 22, 1963, Leutrell Osborne is now asking the question, "Why was he there?" If it is true, as James Earl Ray believed, that Hunt was among those with Raoul in Memphis and according to Ray, they were planning to meet with individuals who wanted to buy weapons then what does the CIA know about Hunt's assignment on that day. If Hunt was a member of that group then there should be a document in the CIA that would prove it and if he wasn't then where was he on April 4, 1968?
E. Howard Hunt was identified as being in Dallas on the day of JFK's murder and went to court to prove he wasn't. In a court of law and on the witness stand being questioned by attorney Mark Lane he failed to convince a jury that he wasn't in Dallas on that day. The CIA has not offered any documentation to prove the whereabouts of E. Howard Hunt on either day even after all these years.
Six FBI agents and two members of Revel's family were killed or died in unusual circumstances while Gary was investigating the MLK assassination in 1977. That and other related events led Gary to ask the US Justice Department to investigate further in 1999. Revel says that the DOJ reported back to him that the events were coincidental.
It may be that it is coincidental that Hunt was in Dallas, Memphis and then a member of a Special Operation ran by the President of the United States of America to break into the Watergate building. If Hunt was on an assignment for an agent who worked directly for President Nixon in 1972 then he may have been working in a similar capacity at the same level in 1968 and may have more to do with the assassination of MLK than previously believed.
If we find that the US Government truly found that MLK was a threat to our national security and indeed acted in the country's best interest by killing him then it is time that the US Government stands up and says so. If on the other hand James Earl Ray was a master criminal who single handedly outsmarted the Memphis Police, FBI, CIA and the Military Intelligence by being right there among them on April 4, 1968 and with one masterful shot killed King then let's see the proof. To this day there still isn't proof that Ray's gun is even the murder weapon. He still hasn't been placed in the bathroom at the time of the shooting and the claim that he was a racist has been disproven time and again. After almost 40 years the question lingers. If the official US Government finding is true that James Earl Ray shot and killed Martin Luther King Jr. then why can't they provide the proof?
New information is coming in every day that adds to the probability that government officials conspired with organized crime in the assassinations of JFK, MLK and RFK and then the continuing cover-up. It is somewhat of a mystery why the Inspector Generals of the FBI and the DOJ haven't themselves launched there own investigation into the obvious disregard for justice within the ranks of these federal institutions.